Without funding we can do nothing. Your support is what enables us to educate our fellow citizens, conduct crucial research on PNG’s amazing and unique animals, and work for the preservation of this astonishing biodiversity. You can be an essential part and know that you have made a difference.

PNGIBR would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following foundations, donors and organizations for supporting our work. Without you we could not do what we do.
- Mama Graun Conservation Trust Fund – grant for Mt. Gahavisuka Provincial Park and Mt. Wilhelm National Reserve projects
- Australia and Pacific Science Foundation – grant to Muse Opiang for echidna work through the University of Tasmania
- Coffey Natural Systems – funding for help with pipeline surveys
- Conservation International – funding for help with biological surveys
- Woodland Park Zoo / Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program – funding for help with their project
- Private Donations
Additional proposals for 2010 funding have been submitted to Mama Graun Conservation Trust Fund, The Christensen Fund, and the Australia and Pacific Science Foundation.
- The Christensen Fund – grant for Organizational Support
- Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance – grants for Organizational Support
- Mama Graun Conservation Trust Fund – grant for Mt. Gahavisuka Provincial Park and Mt. Wilhelm National Reserve projects
- Eastern Highlands Provincial Government – grant for Mt. Gahavisuka Provincial Park project
- New England Biolabs Foundation – grant for work at Mekil Conservation Initiative
- Idea Wild – donated laptops
- Tigress and BBC Productions – funding for documentary work
- Conservation International – funding for help with biological surveys
- Woodland Park Zoo / Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program- funding for help with their project
- Wildlife Conservation Society – funding for help with their project
- Coffey Natural Systems – funding for help with pipeline surveys
- British Ecological Society – grant to Banak Gamui for work on Piper aduncum
- People’s Trust for Endangered Species – grant to Muse Opiang for echidna work
- Private Donations
- The Christensen Fund – grant for Organizational Support
- Wildlife Conservation Society – equipment lease and grant for strategic planning
- Mama Graun Conservation Trust Fund – grant for Mt. Gahavisuka Provincial Park project
- Darwin Initiative – grant for Student Training
- New England Biolabs Foundation – grant for work at Mekil Conservation Initiative
- Idea Wild – donated research equipment
- Tigress and BBC Productions – funding for documentary work
- Woodland Park Zoo / Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program- funding for help with their project
- St. Louis Zoo – grant to Muse Opiang for echidna work
- Society for Systematic Biology – grant to Katayo Sagata for overseas internship
- Private Donations